Connecting Ecology Services
Proven Results
Biodiversity Survey
We have broad experience of biodiversity survey. This includes everything from PEAs and protected species surveys as part of planning consent approval and conditions, to less formal surveys for clients wanting to understand their contribution to local biodiversity conservation.
Nature-based Solution impact evaluation
Ecosystem services
Social benefits
Environmental benefits
Economic benefits
Biodiversity benefits
Having co-written the European Commission guidebook of nature-based solution evaluation, we have broad experience of evaluating the diversity of benefits that can be achieved by a nature-based solution approach. This includes everything from citizen science to remote sensing approaches to generate evidence for unlocking broader rollout of nature-based solutions or to understand designed-for performance as part of nature-based solution legacy. So, if you need help demonstrating the value of your nature-based solutions to unlock payments for ecosystem services, we can help.
Technical Solutions innovation
Green Infrastructure planning
Green roofs
Green walls
Our research focus is on an ecomimicry approach to landscape design. This approach comprises reading the landscape to develop a ecologically-formed locally-contextualised approach to nature-based solution design. As such, we can provide design support in terms of understanding local ecology and embedding it into multifunctional nature-based solution design.
Read more here: Blandscaping that Erases Local Ecological Diversity